Editorial: Ventura County’s green farming ready for spotlight
Ventura County’s ability to be an attractive location for filming depends heavily on its ability to preserve its historic landscape and culture.
Editorial: Good luck to new chamber chief
Zoe Taylor is taking the job as interim president of the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Commerce.
Editorial: Business battles brew as competition heats up
You’ve got to fight for your right to protect your turf.
Editorial: Pay raise for Camarillo leaders raises questions
The Ventura County Taxpayers Association has a reputation for telling it like it is, without passing political judgments on how governments spend their money. That’s why we appreciate the Taxpayers Association’s recent criticism of the way the city of Camarillo has gone about handing 5 percent pay hikes to its council members. It appears that Read More →
Editorial: Betting the farm on going green
Ventura County’s Board of Supervisors has taken an important first step toward making Central Coast agriculture more competitive in the 21st century. In a preliminary vote, the board allowed up to 200 acres of composting operations on agricultural land, as long as the benefit is mainly to agriculture. This is a big win for Agromin, Read More →