Letter to the editor: VCCU responds to PCBT’s recent coverage
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Letter to the Editor: Tribute to Howie Wennes was spot-on
Dear Editor, I just wanted to thank you for your kind words in the Pacific Coast Business Times about my dear friend, Howie Wennes (July 22, “Howie Wennes stepped up when CLU and the region needed him”). Your perspective was spot-on; particularly Howie’s fondness for a good joke. That man was blessed with a wicked Read More →
Letter to the Editor: Vote yes on Measures A and B in Ventura County
Dear Editor, There is an active oil well on our Rincon-Vitova Insectaries business property in the Ventura oil field. It was drilled in 1945 on the site of a migrant farm worker camp. The dormitory buildings that we use to grow beneficial insects for biological pest control were built much earlier in 1922. My father Read More →
Letter to the Editor: Vote no on Measures A & B in Ventura County
Dear Editor, One year ago, Venturans paid an average of $4.12 per gallon for gas. The average has now exceeded $5.90 and diesel fuel hit $6.49 this week. High fuel costs equal higher costs for food, materials, and commercial goods. Rising prices are one of many concerns about Measures A and B. If they pass, Read More →
Letter to the Editor: Vote yes on A and B to hold oil companies to modern environmental standards
Dear Editor, With oil prices high, there is more incentive to ramp up oil drilling, including next to homes and schools. Ventura County residents need to vote “yes” on Measures A and B if they want that development to face environmental review — like every other kind of development — and to meet current laws Read More →
Letter to the Editor: Who knew what, and when, about problems in Ventura County executive office?
Dear Editor, Regarding the abrupt retirement of Ventura County CEO Mike Powers, one can only wonder if anything would ever come of this issue had it not been leaked to the press. Were there any other abuses of authority that occurred under Mr. Powers’ watch? Did anyone else collude with him in any form of Read More →
Letter to the Editor: Let investigative process play out in Ventura County
Dear Editor, It’s been almost two weeks since the public was made aware that the CEO of Ventura County had abruptly retired. As an elected trustee to the Ventura Community College District Board, I am familiar with personnel investigations and critical whistleblower accusations and the process of an outside, independent investigation. I believe this investigation Read More →