Letter to the editor: Independent bookstores not ready to fold
The Granada story proves that running a bookstore is not easy, but indie stores have survived and even prospered over the past several years.
Letter to the editor: Quenching Montecito’s thirst
It is imperative to bring in additional sources of water — through seawater desalination, additional supplementary purchases, or some other source — to Montecito for the 2016-2017 water year.
Letters to the editor: Oxnard Metrolink collision
With California traffic congestion becoming more and more of a problem, the train is going to be a vital mode of transportation and the infrastructure of public train transportation must be improved.
Letter: A construction firm owner’s perspective on Measure P
Dear Editor: Construction is a cyclical industry. As the owner of a construction company in Santa Barbara County, I have focused on trying to dampen these high and low swings. By not having to lay off any employees since the 2008 economic downturn, it seems fair to say that we have been reasonably successful. For Read More →
Letter: UCSB should take leadership role in Isla Vista
Dear editor: As you mention in your May 30 column, Isla Vista is a unique situation. It is a very dense, student-dominated (and therefore non-permanent) population that is fairly effectively cut off from outside influences. I think, at the end of the day, UC Santa Barbara has to be the entity to step in. The Read More →