Letter: Finding a place for reflection after UCSB tragedy
Perhaps the Santa Barbara area should think about creating such a space as a memorial to those who have died in this tragic event.
Letter: Sheriff’s decision to sue reflects poor judgement
The article headlined “Ex VC sheriff sues for supplemental pension” in your Oct. 18 issue got my blood boiling, as I am sure it did with many of your readers.
Letter: Clarifying NCHC’s winding-down process
NCHC selected the assignment process because it is generally faster and virtually always less expensive than the alternative of bankruptcy.
Letter: Thomas Aquinas students graduate with less debt than their peers do
Our average student debt is notably less, and certainly below the national average.
Letter: Editor’s column was insulting to Conejo Valley
[EDITOR’S NOTE: The following was written in response to Editor Henry Dubroff’s April 19 column headlined “KPMG scandal gives the Conejo Valley’s elite a rude wakeup call.”] Dear Editor: My apologies for whomever it was from the Conejo Valley that slighted or disrespected you at some point. Was it really necessary for the sake of Read More →
Letter: Local governments should be commended for efforts to mitigate fracking threats
Dear Editor: The opening sentences in the Business Times’ March 1 editorial on the oil recovery technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” (“Let California set the stage on fracking rules”) would be more appropriately posed as questions: Fracking here? Fracking there? Fracking everywhere? In California, no one but the oil industry knows the answers Read More →
Letter to the editor: Presidential pardon would compromise integrity
There is a sticking point on a presidential pardon, and that is integrity.