Guest commentary: Hancock and Cuesta embrace a more unitED front
Oct. 5 was a historic day for the Central Coast. That’s when Allan Hancock College and Cuesta College teamed up to launch “UnitED Central Coast” — a major campaign to provide bachelor’s degrees for students in our region. The time is right. The need is critical. And we’re ready and able to offer the bachelor’s Read More →
Guest commentary: Navigating open enrollment with ease
By Dr. Sabrina Brana Whether you’re covered through your employer’s health insurance, have opted for a Covered California plan, or are preparing to change your health coverage, it’s important to carefully assess your open enrollment needs. Choosing a health plan doesn’t have to be intimidating. In fact, it’s an opportunity to ensure you are getting Read More →
Guest commentary: Understanding the difference between an independent contractor and employee
By Emilie Elliott Every business owner should be aware that there are two main classifications of workers: independent contractors and employees. While both play important roles in the workforce, it is important to understand the legal distinctions between the two. If you own a business, having a comprehensive understanding of the key differences, as well Read More →
Supporting women-owned businesses drives the region’s economy
By Midge Campbell-Thomas By Women’s Economic Ventures Women-owned businesses comprised nearly half of all new businesses created last year, compared to 29% in 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, there are more than 12 million women-owned businesses nationally that employ more than 10 million people. Collectively, these female entrepreneurs generate nearly $1.8 trillion in revenue annually — more than the entire Read More →

Opinion: Witness to or maker of history
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Opinion: Today’s housing market devastates working families
By Pedro A. Chavez It seems the perfect storm has hit the housing market and its impact is devasting working families seeking access to the American dream of homeownership. How did we get here you ask? During the COVID-19 pandemic, we saw the Federal Reserve react by lowering interest rates to historic lows to prevent Read More →
Opinion: It’s Women’s Equality Day for some of us
By Lois Phillips On Women’s Equality Day, it would behoove women and men to understand and fully appreciate how long it took for women to advance into leadership roles across sectors. Even now, however, there remains work to be done. For a quick reminder, in 1848 the Women’s Rights Convention occurred in Seneca Falls to Read More →