Viewpoint: The economy is simply rebalancing
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Corporations should support local nonprofits
By Midge Campbell-Thomas and Greg Bland As we enter the holiday season, it’s a great moment to reflect on all that we, as a community, have been through and overcome. Indeed, our Tri-County communities have been through a lot the past couple of years, but we’ve also seen how resilient we can be, especially when Read More →

California invests in street vendors
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Windfall profit tax on oil companies can be slippery proposition
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<em>What happens when FTX’s<br>philanthropy evaporates?</em>
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Ungrounded economic growth can be costly
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Opinion: Veteran-owned businesses are an economic powerhouse
By Dawn Golik Along the coast and across the country, businesses owned by former military members are an economic powerhouse. There are more than 1.76 million veteran-owned businesses in the United States. They employ nearly 5.3 million workers, with an annual payroll exceeding $232 million. Their approximately $1 trillion dollars in annual sales & receipts Read More →