Opinion: Sorting the ins and outs of new Ventura County cannabis law
By Amy Steinfeld and Jack Ucciferri Ventura County was among nearly three dozen California jurisdictions to amend its cannabis policies as a result of last month’s voter initiatives. Ventura residents approved Measure O, which will open up portions of the county to commercial cannabis businesses, including cultivation, processing and distribution. At this time, no retail Read More →
Opinion: State must find a way to protect both our health and our small businesses
On Dec. 5, I woke up to the news that almost the entire state of California was once again shutting down a significant portion of the alcohol industry—indefinitely.
Opinion: The latest on COVID compliance for employers
It’s exhausting for employers to try to keep up with all the sometimes inconsistent and contradictory federal and state rules for employer COVID-19 compliance.
Opinion: In 2021, business needs to step into our society’s leadership void
By Ritch Eich A Pew Research Center survey in 2019 asked Americans how they envisioned the United States in 2050. Pessimism reigned as people predicted that healthcare would be harder to afford, senior citizens would struggle to survive, the economy would weaken, and the state of the environment would deteriorate. Most respondents expressed little confidence Read More →
Opinion: How to be a better boss, remotely
By Delan Bruce For many team leaders, managers and executives, 2020 started off fine. Then the pandemic happened—and kept on happening. It has thrown daily life, including business, into disarray. For 1 in 4 U.S. workers, the pandemic has rendered the physical workplace off limits. So how can managers create a positive and collegial virtual Read More →
Opinion: Pharma’s new sustainability vision
By Valeria Makarova The world is still struggling with how to balance health and safety precautions with economic considerations in the fight against COVID-19. The worrisome news about returning to restrictions or complete lockdown keeps popping up from every corner. During these difficult times, we are all closely watching the pharmaceutical companies’ race with time Read More →
What Biden Can Do to Combat COVID Right Now
By Julie Rovner. California HealthLine When Barack Obama was elected president in 2008, the country was in the midst of a dire economic crisis. Twelve years later, his vice president, Joe Biden, has been elected president in the midst of a dire economic crisis and a worldwide, worsening coronavirus pandemic. In 2008, Obama’s team and that of Read More →