Op/ed: Congress whiffs on reform of exploding food-stamp program
This once-modest program, originally set up to provide temporary assistance to the truly poor, has morphed into a massive runaway entitlement program that is grossly mismanaged, rife with fraud and badly in need of reform.
Op/ed: Pension investments are fundamentally sound
Pensions are a vital part of compensation and serve as an asset to local governments.
Crazy proposals in other states leave California as the saner option

While jobs, minimum-wage hikes and the future of work are making headlines, something else is happening on the ground in the Tri-Counties.
Op/ed: Ventura County pension proposal is about retirement plan fairness
The big fact that public employee unions don’t mention when they tout the safety of pensions is that when the pension fund loses money, you — the taxpayers — have to make up the difference.
Op/ed: A gradual transition to empty nest makes the cord-cutting bearable
I was afraid our perfect world would be torn asunder by every little female spat in the house. I wanted no conflict. I pined for the harmony of the true Wonder Years.
Op/ed: What buyers and sellers need to know to make a deal happen this year
The new normal for deals is an elongated time to commit, both for buyers and sellers. Consequently, several impediments follow.
Op/ed: Ventura County pension proposal is costly and unnecessary
An initiative currently being circulated in Ventura County for the November ballot seeking to close the pension system to newly hired county employees as a way of saving money is both simplistic and wrong.