Op/ed: Regulations alone won’t instill ethics in corporate America
The bottom line is that ethical behavior cannot be legislated.
These three middle-class firms are fighting their way to the top

This is turning out to be a tough time for some of the region’s biggest names in fashion, fast food and financial services.
Op/ed: Let’s look at the world as something other than scorched earth
By Scott Harris on September 21, 2012 My wife and I recently spent a very enjoyable weekend in a small resort town in California. The town was beautiful, the people were great and the scenery was fantastic. As we drove in, we fell in love with the mountainsides, the deep forests with huge old-growth trees Read More →
Op/ed: Leadership by fiat seldom works
Effective executives don’t put obstacles in front of people; they help remove them
Op/ed: All jobs, not just green jobs, are what California should focus on
Thoughts on growing the tri-county economy from State Senate candidate Mike Stoker, R-Buellton.
Op/ed: Balancing conservation and innovation are key to growing region’s economy
Thoughts on growing the tri-county economy from State Senate candidate Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara.
Op/ed: Washington’s attack on job creators is hurting future generations
Congressional candidate Abel Maldonado, R-Santa Maria, on creating private-sector jobs.