It takes a crowbar to pry open doors of opportunity for women
By Marsha Bailey “What keeps you awake at night?” We’ve all been there — unable to shut down our brain and turn off the anxieties that can become the monster lurking under the bed. But today, I don’t want to talk about what keeps me up at night. I want to talk about what gets Read More →
Opinion: Make good workplace behavior the norm
By Loredana Carson Sometimes it takes a law to get people to change their behavior, and sometimes even that is not enough. Consider AB 2053. Signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown in 2014, it enacted legal ramifications for failing to comply with requirements that companies with 50 or more employees offer education and training Read More →
Puente alternatives cheaper than gas power plant
By Carmen Ramirez and Craig Lewis Renewable energy alternatives are technically and economically superior to the proposed gas Puente Power Project in Oxnard. The Ventura County Taxpayers Association’s guest commentary supporting the Puente gas plant in the Sept. 8 issue of the Business Times contained inaccurate and misleading information. It’s true that a recent California Read More →
Reform tax system with transaction tax
By Charlie Sibbald Tax reform is in the air again. As with the weather, it seems like everybody talks about tax reform and nobody does anything about it. Congressional leaders are discussing a big plan, as is the administration, and there is an expectation that this may be the year we finally pass comprehensive tax Read More →
Only service dogs must be allowed
By Nancy Sommers Most of us understand the benefits of animals in our lives whether we choose to have them or not. Yet, there is a growing social problem affecting businesses and professionals that deal with the public and this is particularly true in places where pets are generally not allowed. There is no way Read More →