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California losing benefits of green landscape

By   /  Friday, September 18th, 2015  /  Op/Eds  /  Comments Off on California losing benefits of green landscape

With California now four years deep into a drought, and more than $350 million frivolously burned in turf removal rebates, Californians want to know … where is the water? At $4,073 per acre-foot, turf removal is the state’s most expensive and least reliable water supply source by far, almost twice as expensive as seawater desalination, Read More →


Tribune to LA Times: Bye-bye Beutner

By   /  Friday, September 11th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Tribune to LA Times: Bye-bye Beutner

When SBA Administrator Maria Contreras-Sweet made a celebratory return to Los Angeles last spring, Los Angeles Times Publisher Austin Beutner was in fine form as he hosted a small gathering at the Disney concert hall. The former investment banker described his vision for a new and more aggressive Los Angeles Times, still the region’s dominant Read More →


Dubroff: West Ventura County needs to attract more capital

By   /  Friday, September 4th, 2015  /  Columns, Opinion, West Ventura County  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: West Ventura County needs to attract more capital

The announcement that Richard Rush was going to retire next spring after a decade at the helm of CSU Channel Islands took a number of folks by surprise. And as Business Times writer Tony Biasotti pointed out in his article on the resignation in our Aug. 28 edition, his departure leaves a vision for the Read More →


Bills to help veterans get jobs should become law

By   /  Friday, September 4th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Bills to help veterans get jobs should become law

As Labor Day nears, California’s legislature is considering bills to help veterans returning home from active duty rejoin the workforce. California is home to a growing population of more than 1.8 million veterans. With overseas operations in Iraq and Afghanistan winding down and more troops headed home, the number of veterans seeking jobs in California Read More →


Consider alternatives to litigation

By   /  Friday, September 4th, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Consider alternatives to litigation

“I’ll See You in Court!” A common salutation of friendship upon parting from another and an expression of a looking forward to the next opportunity to converse, such as: “I’ll see you soon,” is transformed into a threat. This common expression means, “I am done talking to you,” or “There is nothing more to say.” Read More →


Winter’s legacy endures at Westmont College

By   /  Friday, August 28th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Winter’s legacy endures at Westmont College

Shortly after the Business Times was founded, we learned about David Winter and his work as president at Westmont College. Over lunch at the Westmont campus, we were introduced to Westmont’s vision for its students as a liberal arts institution focused on Christian values and ethics. Coincidentally, one of the first Business Times staff writers Read More →


California’s onerous employment laws continue to vex businesses

By   /  Friday, August 28th, 2015  /  Op/Eds  /  Comments Off on California’s onerous employment laws continue to vex businesses

Employers continue to be battered by onerous California employment laws, and there is little end in sight. For those employers who can’t move their operations to another state, you’re stuck with the detailed state rules that create traps for employers. One of the latest tactics by plaintiffs’ lawyers is to file lawsuits because of information Read More →