Diversity makes businesses better
An American entertainer, a Japanese businessman and a British nun walk into a bar… A lot of jokes used to start like this. In today’s global economy, such a diverse scenario has become the new normal for companies worldwide. And yet, we haven’t moved much beyond clumsy attempts to resolve awkwardness with humor. Diversity in Read More →
Future of privacy at stake in Apple v. FBI
A highly contentious legal battle is brewing between Apple and the FBI. The FBI has been trying to hack into the encrypted iPhone belonging to Syed Farook, one of the San Bernardino shooters in the Dec. 2 attack that killed 14 people. The Apple iPhone, which was actually issued by the county of San Bernardino, Read More →
Oxnard needs to get financial house in order
A Feb. 23 city council meeting in Oxnard underscores the fact that the region’s largest city still has some cleanup work to do after the financial scandal that engulfed the city several years ago. The accounting firm Eadie and Payne said that it needed until at least March 29 to prepare a schedule for the Read More →
Scalia’s death will impact cases of regional concern
The untimely death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia over President’s Day weekend will likely alter the trajectory of any number of cases before the court. Two of them are particularly relevant to the Tri-Counties. In Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, the justices appeared to be closely divided on the question of whether to uphold Read More →
Succession planning critical for business
Entrepreneurs know that businesses are like children. You know they will leave you at some point in the future, but you really don’t want to think about it. Small-business entrepreneurs who think of a business as their favorite child too often avoid the important task of exit planning. It is never too early to plan Read More →