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Editorial: Edison shouldn’t leave businesses in the dark

By   /  Friday, January 9th, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Edison shouldn’t leave businesses in the dark

Edison has been talking for years about the need to balance electrical loads in the West Ventura County-South Santa Barbara County corridor, but the company is taking its time.


Op/ed: Rose Bowl is the kick-off to résumé season

By   /  Friday, January 9th, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Rose Bowl is the kick-off to résumé season

It is the beginning of the New Year, a day filled with hope, resolutions and football games. The optimistic among us look ahead at 364 upcoming opportunities to have great days and make great things happen.


Dubroff: Commuter rail on the Central Coast may put bullet train on track

By   /  Friday, January 9th, 2015  /  Columns, Latest news, Opinion, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: Commuter rail on the Central Coast may put bullet train on track

If high speed rail is going to become a reality for the Central Valley, the Central Coast should find a way to get its own rail program going.


Op/ed: Don’t fall for the scary headlines about falling oil prices

By   /  Friday, January 9th, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Don’t fall for the scary headlines about falling oil prices

If oil were to disappear completely from our economy, it would just about offset our estimated one percent increase in GDP benefit of lower oil prices.


Op/ed: The New Year is a great time for a new strategy for health care expenses

By   /  Friday, January 2nd, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: The New Year is a great time for a new strategy for health care expenses

With insurance covering less and less these days, it is essential to take responsibility for our own finances, and that should include medical expenses.


Editorial: Congress should approve Fast Track

By   /  Friday, January 2nd, 2015  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Congress should approve Fast Track

A rare chance for a show of bi-partisanship in Washington could have tremendous benefits to the tri-counties economy.


Op/ed: Bank of America moral hazard may lead to another financial crisis

By   /  Friday, January 2nd, 2015  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Op/ed: Bank of America moral hazard may lead to another financial crisis

By Steven Mintz How can it be that Bank of America has settled claims in excess of $66 billion for its role in the financial meltdown that spawned the economic recession in 2008 and no top executives have spent any time in jail? How do we explain that regardless of gross violations of ethical standards, Read More →