Limoneira could lead water-efficiency push in California drought
One of the cool things about covering business in the Tri-Counties is that at least once a year we get a pretty close look at what’s happening at one of the region’s largest agribusiness holding companies. That’s because Santa Paula-based Limoneira Co., founded in 1893, happens to be a publicly traded company. The company began Read More →
Op/ed: Putting the leadership into thought leadership
It’s becoming an increasingly important aspect of a company’s marketing strategy, but in my experience, many executives are uncomfortable about the idea of being thought leaders.
After seven years, the financial crisis quietly ends for area banks
“Even the pessimists were thinking three years,” Community West CEO Marty Plourd told me. “No one expected the low-interest-rate environment to last this long,”
Editorial: High schools seek business support for $6M grant
A unique partnership among Santa Barbara County high schools is competing for a $6 million Pathways Trust grant that could reshape technical education in our region.
Op/ed: Auditor independence should be left to the accounting profession
The concern about audit independence — the question of whether the performance of non-audit services for an audit client impairs audit independence — is an old one.