The big fact that public employee unions don’t mention when they tout the safety of pensions is that when the pension fund loses money, you — the taxpayers — have to make up the difference.
By Editorial Board / Friday, February 21st, 2014 / Editorials, Opinion / Comments Off on Editorial: Partisan gridlock eases on Obamacare and immigration
Movement on immigration reform and fixing the Affordable Care Act are perhaps the political version of the “green shoots” that former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke talked about in the early stages of economic recovery.
By Guest commentary / Friday, February 21st, 2014 / Op/Eds, Opinion / Comments Off on Op/ed: A gradual transition to empty nest makes the cord-cutting bearable
I was afraid our perfect world would be torn asunder by every little female spat in the house. I wanted no conflict. I pined for the harmony of the true Wonder Years.
By Henry Dubroff / Friday, February 21st, 2014 / Columns, Opinion / Comments Off on 50 years after British Invasion, Peter Noone muses on music’s future
For five decades, entertainer and longtime South Coast resident Peter Noone has kept alive the legacy of the band now known as Herman and the Hermits, providing the world with some of the most enduring music of the British Invasion. During the past few weeks, Noone offered to spend a bit of airplane time answering a few questions from the Business Times about his life and the music business.
By Guest commentary / Friday, February 14th, 2014 / Op/Eds, Opinion / Comments Off on Op/ed: What buyers and sellers need to know to make a deal happen this year
The new normal for deals is an elongated time to commit, both for buyers and sellers. Consequently, several impediments follow.
By Henry Dubroff / Friday, February 14th, 2014 / Columns, Opinion / Comments Off on Shooting for the moon, pioneer Bill Yerkes became a solar star
Building solar panels for the Apollo moon missions in the 1960s, John W. “Bill” Yerkes was struck by an idea that would change the way the world thinks about electricity.