Op/ed: Ventura County pension proposal is costly and unnecessary
An initiative currently being circulated in Ventura County for the November ballot seeking to close the pension system to newly hired county employees as a way of saving money is both simplistic and wrong.
Editorial: Ventura walks away from venture capital fund
The city of Ventura is nearing the close of a transaction that will get it out of the venture capital business. While we appreciated the city’s enthusiasm for creating technology jobs, we think the City Council has made the right move.
Op/ed: Central Coast leads the way with solar energy, green tech jobs
Anyone who thinks the clean energy economy isn’t working clearly needs to visit the Central Coast.
The case for a defined contribution pension system in California
Grass-roots efforts underway in Ventura County and a few other places may lead California to start junking its expensive and debt-ridden pension system in favor of a 401(k)-like substitute.
Editorial: Ventura County will miss business icon Sam Edwards
Ventura County certainly would look a lot different today without the extraordinary accomplishments of the late Dr. Samuel Edwards.
Editorial: Breaking through gridlock, Highway 101 project moves forward
The only thing that feels slower than the drive on Highway 101 from Ventura to Santa Barbara at 8:30 a.m. on a Monday morning is the process of getting the last bits of the four-lane road along the way widened.
Editorial: Ernie Righetti remembered
Our thoughts go out to the friends and family of longtime Edna Valley agriculturalist Ernie Righetti, a pioneering San Luis Obispo County avocado grower who died this week at age 97.