Guest commentary: Understanding the difference between an independent contractor and employee
By Emilie Elliott Every business owner should be aware that there are two main classifications of workers: independent contractors and employees. While both play important roles in the workforce, it is important to understand the legal distinctions between the two. If you own a business, having a comprehensive understanding of the key differences, as well Read More →
Our view: Pandemic funding helped propel small businesses
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Supporting women-owned businesses drives the region’s economy
By Midge Campbell-Thomas By Women’s Economic Ventures Women-owned businesses comprised nearly half of all new businesses created last year, compared to 29% in 2019, just before the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, there are more than 12 million women-owned businesses nationally that employ more than 10 million people. Collectively, these female entrepreneurs generate nearly $1.8 trillion in revenue annually — more than the entire Read More →
Our view: Tri-County agriculture stays engrained in region’s economy
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Our view: Larraburu gifts push forth CSUCI innovation
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Our view: FTC’s overreach ends with Amgen ready to resume pushing innovation
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Our view: Ramirez legacy endures with archive at CSUCI
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