By Editorial Board / Friday, March 29th, 2013 / Editorials, Opinion / Comments Off on Editorial: Wallar could have major impact staying in Santa Barbara County
Chandra Wallar, Santa Barbara County’s first woman chief executive, isn’t moving to Orange County after all. Wallar kicked up quite a fuss in the media over the past month after she emerged as a top candidate for the CEO spot in the OC. Unable to conclude a deal on her terms, she’s back at the Read More →
By Guest commentary / Friday, March 15th, 2013 / Letters to the Editor, Opinion / Comments Off on Letter: Local governments should be commended for efforts to mitigate fracking threats
Dear Editor: The opening sentences in the Business Times’ March 1 editorial on the oil recovery technique known as hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” (“Let California set the stage on fracking rules”) would be more appropriately posed as questions: Fracking here? Fracking there? Fracking everywhere? In California, no one but the oil industry knows the answers Read More →
The development for Sansum appears to have hit a sweet spot — good-paying jobs, a much-needed surgery suite for the giant clinic and, plenty of parking and no objection from neighbors.
By Guest commentary / Friday, March 15th, 2013 / Op/Eds, Opinion / Comments Off on Op/ed: California’s fast-growing job creator — Latino businesses
Generations of Latinos have come to California for the same reasons that generations of whites, blacks and Asians have come here — for the chance to pursue what we now call the American Dream.