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Cities will have to lead state’s recovery

By   /  Friday, October 21st, 2011  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Cities will have to lead state’s recovery

Californians are learning how to muddle through the recovery.


Editorial: South Coast is the missing link in area’s economic development

By   /  Friday, October 14th, 2011  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: South Coast is the missing link in area’s economic development

South Santa Barbara County has been swallowed by an economic development doughnut hole.


Globalization trickles down to small firms

By   /  Friday, October 14th, 2011  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Globalization trickles down to small firms

When it comes to tourism, the Internet is a big driver, and California is a favorite for Asian travelers.


Editorial: Ventura parking debate hot topic in election

By   /  Friday, October 7th, 2011  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Ventura parking debate hot topic in election

Parking, or perhaps more precisely, parking meters, could be a stealth issue in Ventura’s City Council race.


Guest op/ed: Cuts to reimbursement will be devastating to state’s health care

By   /  Friday, October 7th, 2011  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Guest op/ed: Cuts to reimbursement will be devastating to state’s health care

The action of the California Legislature would put the Medicare and MediCal programs on life support.


Guest op/ed: Heavy burden of regulation is weighing economy down

By   /  Friday, October 7th, 2011  /  Op/Eds, Opinion  /  2 Comments

Destructive government fiscal and monetary policies are clearly hurting the economy, but overregulation is an unnecessarily self-inflicted wound that can quickly be cured.


Area banker tells Fed chair how grim it is

By   /  Friday, October 7th, 2011  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Area banker tells Fed chair how grim it is

Santa Barbara resident and California Bankers Association President Rod Brown recently met with Ben Bernanke.