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Property crime hurts bottom line

By   /  Sunday, January 25th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Property crime hurts bottom line

Property crime is economic crime. We haven’t seen the latest data, but from news reports and conversations with our colleagues in the business world, there seems to be a sudden increase in office break-ins, smash-and-grab car theft, identity-theft and bank robberies. It’s easy to blame the recession and shrug things off. But victims of these Read More →


Hispanic business merits further study

By   /  Sunday, January 18th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Hispanic business merits further study

Ventura County’s lead universities are taking a close look at developing a new business program to educate a new generation of Hispanic entrepreneurs. The outreach effort got off to a strong start on Jan. 13 when California Lutheran University’s School of Business Dean Chuck Maxey hosted a presentation by Santiago Ibarreche, head of the Center Read More →


Hollywood strikes

By   /  Sunday, January 18th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Hollywood strikes

The Screen Actors Guild is proving once again why the dysfunctional state of organized labor is not particularly good for the Southern California economy. SAG can’t get its act together on a unified stance in negotiations on a new contract, threatening a repeat of last year’s disastrous 100-day writers’ strike. Mega-stars such as Tom Hanks Read More →


Wanted: a way to stop the hemorrhage of jobs

By   /  Sunday, January 11th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Wanted: a way to stop the hemorrhage of jobs

Jobs are becoming the No. 1 economic issue in the Tri-Counties. As Stephen Nellis reports in the current issue of Pacific Coast Business Times, bigger employers have eliminated at least 1,700 jobs in recent months. Add to that any number of jobs cut at government agencies and nonprofits and you have the ingredients for an Read More →


Zaragoza in the middle

By   /  Sunday, January 11th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Zaragoza in the middle

With the seating of John Zaragoza as its newest supervisor, Ventura County is launching into a new era. Gone is the contentious and uncooperative John Flynn, whose last term was marked by infighting and a mean-spirited effort to derail progress on a number of fronts. The region’s largest county — and its most fiscally sound Read More →


Entrepreneurs remembered

By   /  Monday, January 5th, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Entrepreneurs remembered

During 2008 we marked the passing of some remarkable entrepreneurs. Two that stand out are Herb Peterson and George Bliss. Peterson was a Chicago native and ad executive who worked on the McDonald’s account and helped create the persona of Ronald McDonald. Bitten by the entrepreneurial bug, he moved to Santa Barbara and created the Read More →


Oprah a role model for neighborhood celebrities

By   /  Friday, January 2nd, 2009  /  Opinion  /  Comments Off on Oprah a role model for neighborhood celebrities

Until just a few days before Christmas, Oprah Winfrey’s presence in the Tri-Counties was much like any of the other dozen or so members of the entertainment and business elite. Her semi-secluded life included social events held in tents on a lawn adjacent to her Montecito estate. Her purchases put smiles on the faces of Read More →