Our View: Honoring the region’s best this Philanthropy Day
With the season for giving upon us, we take pride in recognizing the honorees at the National Philanthropy Day Awards across the region. On Nov. 16, the Museum of Ventura County in downtown Ventura will host the Association of Fundraising Professionals Santa Barbara/Ventura awards at an in-person program beginning at 4 p.m. On Nov. 18, Read More →
Opinion: What is a financial advisor?
By Joe Weiland I had lunch today with a younger acquaintance of mine. Let’s call him Jim. I have known Jim for a number of years, and he has always impressed me with his business acumen. At a young age, he has managed to put together a sizable, yet a bit illiquid, net worth. He Read More →
Opinion: Harness the best of competition and cooperation
By Janice Miller We have been told business is a zero-sum game. For someone to win, someone else must lose. But this often leads to a cutthroat rivalry amongst professionals. Bitter and needlessly acrimonious, it not only hurts competitors, but it also makes things tougher for the end client/customer. Now, what if there was a Read More →
Our View: State housing mandates finally have some teeth
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Opinion: Navigating the ‘gotchas’ in California employment law
By Jonathan Fraser Light Employers may have noticed that California employment law is incredibly burdensome, incredibly detailed, and filled with “gotchas.” The actual statutes are only part of the problem; the courts sometimes interpret those laws in ways that make little sense. Here are a few of those “gotchas” that may leave you scratching your Read More →
Opinion: Celebrating the tri-county region’s Latino business community
By Kristina Alameda Although Hispanic Heritage Month is winding down, it gave us a unified opportunity to celebrate the richness and diversity of the Hispanic-Latino community and recognize our collective path forward to drive social and economic progress in the Tri-Counties. This year in particular, we recognize the resilience of small business owners impacted by Read More →
Our View: Alisal Fire a reminder of need for insurance reforms
The Alisal Fire in Santa Barbara County is big and nasty, and it has proven to be hard to contain. As the Business Times went to press on Oct. 13, it had consumed 15,000 acres and Highway 101 was shut northwest of Goleta. (The highway reopened Oct. 15.) So far, the Alisal Fire has lacked Read More →