Gerhard: Punitive tariffs are well-intentioned, but will hurt Americans in the long run
Will you be buying a washing machine next year? You will not be alone. In 2023, 13.3 million washing machines were sold in the United States, and similar numbers are expected to be purchased in the years to come. Over decades, consumers enjoyed an increasing number of choices, better technology, and lower prices — whether they Read More →
Our view: Paradise lost for small firms as costs rise, sales stall
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Guest commentary: Legislative deal on California Private Attorneys General Act is a win for Ventura County businesses
By Danielle Borja & Nancy Lindholm In a state legislature that rarely delivers good news for employers, businesses throughout Ventura County can celebrate the historic agreement between business groups and labor advocates that brings meaningful reform to California’s Private Attorneys General Act (PAGA). This agreement took the form of two bills (SB 92 and AB Read More →
Guest commentary: Pacifica’s promise to supply the community with professional mental health experts
By Dr. Dylan Martinez Francisco Pacifica Graduate Institute cares about the community. This is at the heart of its new initiative called Pacifica Promise — a ten-year vision of Dr. Leonie Mattison, the President and CEO of Pacifica, inspired by a listening tour that included engaging with the public to understand the needs of the Read More →
Our view: Copeland shaped the future of downtown San Luis Obispo
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Guest commentary: Preparation trumps prediction, learn from endowments
By John Grace Endowments, with their pioneering strategies, have long been a source of inspiration for the securities industry. Their innovative approaches can be a beacon of hope for individual investors, igniting a desire to enhance their understanding of investment strategies and inspiring them to explore new possibilities. Endowments operate under vastly different conditions than Read More →