Street smarts: City of Goleta, WEV partner to address childcare
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Street smarts: CSUCI recognized as a top-tier research university
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Good works: Veggie Rescue helps food insecurity issues in Santa Barbara
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Street smarts: California green energy car program comes to Central Coast
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Mackenzie Scott donates $10M to area nonprofits
Philanthropist Mackenzie Scott donated another $2 billion of her own wealth on Dec. 18, $10 million of which found its way to nonprofits based on the Central Coast. Scott, who was formerly married to billionaire Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos, has now donated roughly $19.2 billion since 2019. She is still worth over $31 million according Read More →
Street smarts: Awards spottings at the Ventura County Chamber’s Poinsettia Awards
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Good works: Bank of the Sierra donates $150K in Q3
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