Unemployment rate skyrockets throughout Central Coast

The unemployment rate in each of the tri-counties went up substantially in the month of January, according to the latest data provided by the California Employment Development Department. As a whole, the unemployment rate for the Central Coast was 4.93%, up from 4.5% in December. Released on March 14, the unemployment rate for Santa Barbara County jumped up 0.8% Read More →
Dubroff: The Business Times, 25, and MB&T, 50, share a unique birthday

We’re celebrating our 25th anniversary this week and it happens to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Montecito Bank & Trust, also founded on March 17, St. Patrick’s Day. Both companies are privately held and independent, so I thought that rather than focus just on The Business Times, I’d invite Janet Garufis, Chair and CEO Read More →

Street smarts: Ventura County Clerk/Recorder named Woman of the Year
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CRE: Historic 350-acre parcel in Montecito purchased, will be protected as open space
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Study says dignified life on Central Coast elusive for many
Access to such basic needs as food and shelter, health care, education for the very young, and higher education for all leaves much to be desired in California and the Central Coast. That’s according to a new study by California Lutheran University professor Jamshid Damooei, executive director of the Thousand Oaks University’s Center for Economics Read More →