Street smarts: SeeAg hosts annual fundraiser for bus fares to field trip
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Founder, venture capital partner give advice on fundraising

While attending UC Santa Barbara, Kavitta Ghai and her co-founder, Jordan Long, were annoyed with the education system. With classrooms so large that getting the one-on-one necessary attention to learn the material is impossible, Ghai and Long wanted to change the system. So the two thought “What if we are the ones who solve the Read More →
Sierra Bank reports higher net income, loans and deposits in 2024
Sierra Bancorp, the parent company of Bank of the Sierra, announced its results for the fourth quarter of 2024 on Jan. 27, noting that consolidated net income was $10.4 million for the quarter, up from $6.3 million in the same quarter a year ago. This means diluted earnings per share of 72 cents per share Read More →

Mercado: Four takeaways from Reach’s annual conference

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Street smarts: Fun things to consider doing this Valentine’s season
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Deckers shares fall despite earnings strength

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Trump policies impacting Ag in tri-county region
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