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Mission Produce’s stock tumbled 10% after the markets closed Dec. 22, after the Oxnard-based avocado distributor released its financial results for the fourth quarter of 2021 and missed analysts’ expectations. Mission Produce generated revenue of $237 million in the fourth quarter of 2021, a 15% increase from the same period a year ago. But, according Read More →
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Calavo Growers, a Santa Paula-based distributor of avocados and other produce, has hired a new CEO, after a period of instability that saw three permanent or interim leaders hold the job since early 2020. The new CEO, effective Feb. 1, is Brian Kocher, Calavo said in a Dec. 22 news release. He will take over Read More →
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Eric Harrison will leave his role as CEO and president of the United Way of Ventura County next year, after accepting the top job with the same nonprofit in Connecticut. Harrison will continue his current position through mid-February, the United Way of Ventura County said in Dec. 21 a news release. The organization said its Read More →
Santa Paula-based Calavo Growers saw revenue increase year-over-year in the fourth quarter of 2021, and despite a net loss for the quarter, the company beat analysts’ expectations. Calavo, an avocado distributor, delivered revenue worth $273.4 million for the quarter ended Oct. 31, a 17% increase from the same quarter a year ago. The company did Read More →