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When partners Jimi Breazeale and Hector Amaya opened Get-A-Mattress in Arroyo Grande in 2009, they wanted to transform the mattress-buying experience from what Breazeale calls “dirty window” into a showroom atmosphere. After all, with the average mattress costing around $2,000, it’s a considerable consumer purchase.
Thanks to rising U.S. and foreign stock markets, major public pension plans in the Tri-Counties exceeded expected investment return rates for the last fiscal year. But Santa Barbara County’s performance lagged far behind its peers. Ventura County Employees’ Retirement Association and San Luis Obispo County Pension and Trust saw net returns of 12.8 and 12.9 Read More →
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Surgery safety ratings at tri-county hospitals ranged from the highest possible rank to second-to-lowest in a recent nationwide assessment released by Consumer Reports magazine, but many hospital officials dispute whether the methods used by the report accurately depict surgical quality. Released earlier this month, the report aims to provide a generalized standard of surgical safety Read More →