Former SLO developer sentenced to 5 years in prison
A former San Luis Obispo County real estate developer, Ryan Wright, has been sentenced to five years for bribing a local politician nearly $95,000 in exchange for acts benefiting the company’s development projects. Wright, 38, was sentenced on Nov. 12 by United States District Judge Percy Anderson. Wright, formerly known as Ryan Petetit, has been Read More →

CCEF highlights the potential for growth in SLO County
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Mercado: Innovation runs deep in San Luis Obispo
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Dignity Health hones in on creating large cardiovascular group

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Cal Poly SLO partners with area community colleges

Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is dedicated to expanding access for all high school graduates in the tri-county area to earn a four-year degree from the prestigious school and it proved that Sept. 23. On that day, Cal Poly announced a new 2+2 program with local community colleges Cuesta College in San Luis Obispo and Allan Hancock College in Santa Maria. The Read More →