Santa Barbara-based Persona Neapolitan Pizza is embarking on a nationwide expansion as competition heats up in the fast-casual, wood-fired pizza market.
The Santa Barbara City Council is slated to hear a proposal from Direct Relief, the largest nonprofit headquartered in the region, to buy a parcel of land near the municipal airport and build a 125,000-square-foot facility there. Goleta-based Direct Relief has outgrown its existing facility and wants to build a 100,000-square-foot warehouse and 25,000 square Read More →
Los Angeles real estate magnate Rick Caruso is amending his plans for the multimillion-dollar revival of Miramar Beach Resort & Bungalows in Montecito to include a little more shrinkage. Caruso Affiliated received approval for the hotel in March 2011 after a years-long hearing process in which Seinfeld actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus, a neighbor of the Read More →
Paso Robles-based Heritage Oaks Bancorp’s second-quarter profits jumped 25.1 percent to $2.9 million. Net income from its acquisition of Mission Community Bancorp in February drove the increase, Heritage Oaks said in a July 28 earnings release. The bank’s loans grew 46.9 percent to $1.1 billion, year-over-year, as it added $280.7 million of Mission’s loans to Read More →
The region’s status changed dramatically on July 21 when Irvine-based Allergan announced that it would shutter its Santa Barbara operations and eliminate 300 jobs there.
The Pacific Coast Business Times is pleased to announce our 2014 class of Spirit of Small Business award winners. The annual special section, now in its 12th year, celebrates small-business ownership and entrepreneurship in the Tri-Counties.