On June 13, the Port of Los Angeles organized an event with representatives from eight Asian countries at CSU Channel Islands to show Ventura County business owners that the port’s loss is their opportunity. In May alone, half of the 321,000 container units leaving the port were empty.
With the state of California’s higher education budget in disarray, CSU Channel Islands President Richard Rush has turned to the private sector to complete the dream of a four-year public university to serve Ventura County.
FreshRealm is betting millions of dollars on a revolutionary concept: A backend service for businesses that enables customers to get fresh food sent directly to their homes. Combined with a reusable container that can be filled at a store and shipped via FedEx to the home, the service utilizes existing infrastructure and can scale quickly, its founders say.
Marking the fourth transition at a major Ventura County nonprofit in less than a month, Steve Kinney, the founding president of EDCO, the economic development group for Oxnard, said he will step down on Sept. 1.
When E.J. Harrison turned to hauling trash to earn money for his family in the middle of the Great Depression, he already had a strong partner — his wife Myra.
At Goleta Valley Gun and Supply, the phone has been ringing constantly since early on May 24. Reporters from across the country, all fishing for a quote. The occasional anti-gun activist expressing disgust. That was the Saturday morning the world woke up to learn that a mentally deranged gunman in Isla Vista had shot and Read More →