Fighting for farming: Santa Paula rancher wrangles with SOAR advocates

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Brown taps Ventura County as one of state’s ‘innovation hubs’
Gov. Jerry Brown has named Ventura and Kern counties among four newly-established innovation hubs designed to spur job growth. The so-called Kern-Ventura i-Hub is designed to foster the growth of high-tech companies in aerospace, energy and other fields and is part of the California iDEA Hub. It will be based in Ridgecrest, in Kern County Read More →
Port extends banana contract
The Port of Hueneme has secured a five-year extension of its contract with Del Monte Fresh produce, the port’s biggest banana customer. Bananas are the port’s largest import, accounting for about 46 percent of its overall import business by revenue ton, a unit of measure devised to equalize shipments of disparate products. The banana firm Read More →