Retailers brace for a pandemic holiday
Small businesses are using the holidays to find new ways to support themselves and their communities.
UV light startup helps restaurants go antiviral
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, owners of all sorts of businesses are looking at an option for disinfecting surfaces that has long been dismissed as too expensive to use outside of hospitals: UV-C technology.
Goleta’s Frinj takes coffee off state’s crop fringe and up to new levels
Coffee, South Coast’s newest emerging agribusiness; Goleta bean grower boosts state’s once-fringe crop, while shaking up traditional practices by shortening supply chain and bringing greater return to farmers.
How to get a startup funded, according to the experts
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New business, new reality: opening a business during a pandemic presents a few extra challenges
Opening a business requires a lot of flexibility, patience and commitment. Opening a business during a pandemic requires even more.
Camarillo Chamber CEO to step down
Gary Cushing is retiring from his role as the CEO of the Camarillo Chamber of Commerce at the end of November, the chamber announced Oct. 30. Cushing was originally brought on to be the interim CEO for six months and stayed in the role for seven years. Through his tenure, Cushing helped the chamber build Read More →