Street smarts: Jordano shares 108-year-old history at Rotary Club meeting

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Street smarts: Santa Barbara Museum of Art appoints new director

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Oxnard distillery’s vodka wins top award again
Founder and CEO of Oxnard-based Sespe Creek Distillery, Alfred English, alongside his team, had one goal in mind when they were setting out to make their own vodka — to be different. “At the time, everyone believed all vodkas tasted the same, and sadly for vodka, they weren’t wrong,” English told the Business Times via Read More →
Dreams from my father: Fig Mountain navigates pandemic and stays true to roots

Editor’s note: This story is the final in a series meant to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Spirit of Small Business Awards, presented by the Business Times and the Small Business Administration. This story features a previous Spirit of Small Business winner. As a little boy in Los Olivos, Jaime Dietenhofer beamed each day he Read More →
Street smarts: EDC SBDC takes home prestigious President’s award

The Economic Development Collaborative Small Business Development Center received one of the highest forms of recognition on June 6 when it was recognized for its outstanding achievements in exports with the prestigious President’s “E” Award for Export Service. The award was presented to EDC SBDC at the 62nd anniversary of the “E” Awards ceremony held Read More →