While it’s unclear whether the rise and sale of Goleta-based Eucalyptus Systems to tech giant Hewlett-Packard Co. was a major financial success for its investors, one thing is certain: The South Coast is now on the map as having proved the viability of open-source hybrid cloud computing and will have contributed an important component to HP’s cloud strategy going forward.
Oxnard-based Haas Automation has struck a deal with state tax officials that could secure another machine-tool factory and thousands of high-end manufacturing jobs for Ventura County, according to people familiar with the company’s expansion plans.
California Lutheran University’s new Westlake Village co-working and teaching space, Huddle, is up and running with a slate of fall events that organizers hope will make it a hub for entrepreneurship in East Ventura County
There’s only one thing you can be sure about in business: shift happens. Whether it’s customers coming and going or a competitor rolling out a new product, every business faces change. By their very nature, technology companies face the constant of change more than most, and the ones that succeed are the ones that embrace Read More →
By Stephen Nellis / Thursday, September 18th, 2014 / South Coast, Technology / Comments Off on Farm drones, cricket flour pitched at clean investment summit
The sixth annual Clean Business Investment Summit held at UC Santa Barbara was a success, drawing more than 200 attendees and 30 investor groups. The attendees and investors head from a range of speakers and saw presentations from 17 startup teams and two student teams. Over the years, more than 575 startups and growth companies Read More →
Google has selected a UC Santa Barbara lab for a new quantum-computing initiative just a short distance from where Microsoft has an established outpost, setting up a battle among tech giants on the South Coast. On Sept. 2, Google’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab said that it was launching a new hardware push to design and Read More →