Summerland-based FindTheBest has secured a court victory in a patent lawsuit. A federal court in New York ruled on Nov. 22 that a patent held by Delaware-based Lumen View Technology was invalid. Lumen View, which does not produce products or services based on the patent, had sued FindTheBest alleging infringement.
Transphorm, Fujitsu and Fujitsu Semiconductor said they had reached an agreement to merge their gallium-nitride, or GaN, power supply lines of business. The deal is expected to result in Fujitsu and its semiconductor subsidiary both taking minority stakes in Transphorm in exchange for creating a new entity in Japan that will be capable of high-volume production. The companies said the move will “dramatically improve the market competitiveness of Transphorm’s GaN power device business.”
Born in Norway, Kavli made his way to the United States after World War II to pursue physics and expand on his lifelong entrepreneurial streak. In the late 1950s, he founded Kavlico Corp., a Moorpark-based maker of advanced sensors for cars and aircraft. He also invested in real estate for more than 50 years.
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is rolling out a new Cybersecurity Center in collaboration with Northup Grumman and Raytheon with an eye toward training security experts for the defense industry and giving all of its engineering students a firmer grasp of how to make their creations secure against hackers.
A device made by Santa Barbara-based Active Life Scientific played a critical role in a new study at the Mayo Clinic linking Type 2 diabetes to bone problems.
An in-bottle wine aerator, a Spider-Man-like robot that can climb walls and a peach pit detector were among the projects on display at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo’s mechanical engineering expo on Nov. 21.
Fred Kavli, a Norwegian-born entrepreneur, scientist and philanthropist who created thousands of jobs and gave millions for the study of theoretical physics, died at his home in Santa Barbara on Nov. 21. He founded KavliCo Corp., a Moorpark-based maker of advanced sensors for cars and aircraft. He also invested in real estate for more than 50 years.