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UTC to buy rest of Clipper

By   /  Monday, October 25th, 2010  /  Latest news, Technology  /  Comments Off on UTC to buy rest of Clipper

United Technologies Corp., a multinational firm that owns nearly half of Carpinteria-based Clipper Windpower, has reached an agreement with Clipper to buy the rest of the turbine maker. UTC acquired 49.5 percent of Clipper in December in a deal that gave it the right to boost its stake to 55 percent in 2012 — or Read More →


TrueVision sets its sights on Chinese market

By   /  Monday, October 25th, 2010  /  Features, Technology  /  Comments Off on TrueVision sets its sights on Chinese market

TrueVision Systems, a Santa Barbara-based surgical technology firm, has sealed a deal to create a joint venture with a Chinese medical device company and will soon begin selling its gear in China. TrueVision makes a big-screen, 3-D display system that attaches to a surgeon’s microscope — think “Avatar” meets brain and eye surgery. The startup Read More →


Facebook doesn’t forget

By   /  Monday, October 25th, 2010  /  Features, Technology  /  Comments Off on Facebook doesn’t forget

Like it or not, about four in five businesses Google their prospective hires and look at public Facebook profiles. Santa Barbara-based Social Intelligence Corp. wants to take that task off their hands. The reason is that unstructured online sleuthing can put an employer in a thorny position. One the one hand, businesses can be sued Read More →


FDA OKs Aranesp for pre-dialysis patients

By   /  Monday, October 25th, 2010  /  Latest news, Technology  /  Comments Off on FDA OKs Aranesp for pre-dialysis patients

Amgen’s anemia treatment Aranesp is safe for kidney patients whose disease doesn’t require dialysis, a federal panel announced Oct. 18 in response to a study that found the drug could increase stroke risk in those patients. Outside advisers to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said the treatment shouldn’t be withdrawn or limited to a Read More →


New digital ad startup from industry veteran

By   /  Thursday, October 21st, 2010  /  Latest news, Technology  /  Comments Off on New digital ad startup from industry veteran

[Editor’s Note: See correction below.] One of the Tri-Counties’ most successful digital display advertising veterans is back in the game with a new startup. Dave Gross co-founded Fastclick, which went public and was bought Westlake Village-based ValueClick in 2005 for $220 million. Since then, Gross has quietly invested with several regional startups. But with Connexity, Read More →


Profitable merger for Noza

By   /  Monday, October 18th, 2010  /  Nonprofits, Technology, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Profitable merger for Noza

Noza, a Santa Barbara firm offering data to help nonprofit fundraisers, has been acquired by a South Carolina company that’s profiting handsomely from the nonprofit sector. Noza created technology that searches the Web for public information about the money that people and companies have given to charities. Fundraisers at charities and nonprofits can use that Read More →


Is the price right? New SLO company tells you what it’s really worth

By   /  Monday, October 18th, 2010  /  Features, Technology  /  Comments Off on Is the price right? New SLO company tells you what it’s really worth

You’ve got an old digital camera sitting around and you want to sell it online, but you have no idea how much to ask. Chances are, you search eBay, Amazon and Craigslist to see what similar devices fetch. You scribble it all down on a notepad, do some rough math and come up with a Read More →