Sale of Veeco’s Goleta unit closes
The sale of Veeco Instruments’ metrology business, which includes its facility in Goleta, closed on Oct. 8, the company announced. Massachusetts-based Bruker Corp. now owns the metrology unit, which includes offices in Goleta and Tuscon, Ariz., and will combine it with its Bruker Nano division. The company paid $229.4 million in cash in the deal, Read More →
A smarter brand: IQMS grows and profits in Paso Robles
Think of Paso Robles, and golden hills, grazing cattle and some of California’s best wines come to mind. Add to that list a global software firm. Twenty-one years ago, Randy and Nancy Flamm mortgaged their house to found IQMS, a company headquartered in Paso Robles that delivers software in eight languages to more than 400 Read More →
Planting seeds in San Luis Obispo: New venture fund looks for student entrepreneurs
A tech hub takes the right mix of a great university, eager entrepreneurs and money and mentoring. For a long time, San Luis Obispo County has had plenty of the first two and not enough of the latter. That could change with the establishment of SLO Seed Ventures, a fund built by San Luis Obispo Read More →
Testing the breaking point
A young company spun out of technology from the University of California, Santa Barbara, has developed a machine that could for the first time measure the strength of bones in living patients. Founded in 2007, Active Life’s device creates a micro-crack about 100th of a millimeter wide in patients’ bones. Now in early trials in Read More →
Firm sees China in its future
Santa Barbara-based medical equipment maker TrueVision Systems plans to enter a joint venture with one of the biggest health care technology firms in China. TrueVision makes a 3-D heads-up display system that attaches to microscopes used in brain, spine and eye surgery, along with software that helps guide the surgeon’s cuts. Think “Avatar” meets neurosurgery. Read More →