From ice skater to spa legend : Oaks at Ojai’s Sheila Cluff tells her story

On first blush, Sheila Cluff comes across as the quintessential California girl. She’s blond and athletic, smart and funny. But her recently published memoir, “Living Your Dream,” reveals the Sheila Cluff behind the persona of a successful entrepreneur in the fitness business and owner and developer of The Oaks at Ojai. We learn that as Read More →

They’ve got it in the bag: Travel product startup gets big grant

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WEV, Wedgewood honored at SBA awards
One of the region’s leading catering firms and a longtime advocate for female entrepreneurs were honored at the annual Small Business Awards at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel on June 13. The program is co-sponsored by the Los Angeles District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration and the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. Wedgewood Wedding Read More →

Women on wheels: works puts female-friendly stamp on car businesses

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Hitting the target: Oxnard businesswoman launches Boys + Arrows swimwear

Launched a year ago, the swimwear line is already selling thousands of bikinis at designer prices.