Our view: Federal tax ‘reform’ plan targets high tax states

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Salem Media Group has slight net loss for third quarter

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Forecast: Ventura County economy to contract further in 2017

Ventura County’s economy is expected to contract further in 2017, declining by nearly 1 percentage point. That is the prediction of the California Lutheran University Center for Economic Research and Forecasting, which will present its forecast on Oct. 26. The CERF report says the dominant economic story to emerge in Ventura County over the past Read More →

Ventura County has need for faster broadband speed

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Semtech partners with Chinese bike-sharing company

Camarillo Internet of Things company Semtech struck up a partnership with Chinese bike-sharing company ofo, using its long-range, low power wireless technology to keep tabs on ofo bikes. Called LoRa, the network technology enables ofo to track bikes in remote or densely constructed areas. The company provides bike-sharing in more than 180 cities worldwide, using Read More →

GeoLinks using Silicon Valley-style office to attract employees

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