Only service dogs must be allowed

By Nancy Sommers Most of us understand the benefits of animals in our lives whether we choose to have them or not. Yet, there is a growing social problem affecting businesses and professionals that deal with the public and this is particularly true in places where pets are generally not allowed. There is no way Read More →
Semtech selling new surge immunity product

Semtech announced a new product Sept. 20 aimed at meeting the surge immunity requirements for the telecommunications industry. The Camarillo semiconductor and Internet of Things company began offering a new product on its TClamp platform that protects data interfaces against quick electrical spikes and minimizes capacitive loading. The new product exceeds industry standard requirements and Read More →
Semtech shares fall despite rise in net income

Shares for Camarillo semiconductor and Internet of Things company Semtech fell more than 5 percent after the company reported a rise in net income but a lower than expected third quarter outlook. Net sales for the quarter ended July 30 increased 13 percent over its previous second quarter to $153.1 million, for a net income Read More →
Camarillo-based Hygiena expands through acquisitions

Camarillo food safety and sanitation company Hygiena announced Aug. 30 that it had acquired Mexico City distributor and longtime independent partner Pruebas Microbiologicas Rapidas. The company will now operate as Hygiena Mexico, expanding its distribution of hygiene monitoring and molecular diagnostic equipment for food safety, healthcare and other industries. The subsidiary has six satellite locations Read More →

Tri-county hospitals upgrading facilities to remain competitive

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