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AML acquisition ends brief bidding war

By   /  Friday, April 15th, 2011  /  Technology, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on AML acquisition ends brief bidding war

After a short bidding flurry, Camarillo-based defense electronics firm AML Communications has been purchased by an Irvine chipmaker for $28 million.


Semtech to pay $20M to settle options suit

By   /  Wednesday, December 8th, 2010  /  Banking & Finance, Latest news, Technology, Tri-County Public Companies  /  Comments Off on Semtech to pay $20M to settle options suit

Semtech Corp. said Dec. 8 that it will pay $20 million in cash to settle a class action securities lawsuit.


GE backs Camarillo’s grass-to-gas firm

By   /  Monday, November 29th, 2010  /  Green Coast, Technology  /  Comments Off on GE backs Camarillo’s grass-to-gas firm

CoolPlanetBioFuels has brought its fundraising total to $11.5 million with a capital infusion from GE Energy Financial Services.


Shopping for recovery: Camarillo looks poised for growth

By   /  Monday, November 22nd, 2010  /  Features, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on Shopping for recovery: Camarillo looks poised for growth

Camarillo was hit as hard as anywhere else by the recession, but a mix of high-end technology and manufacturing businesses and a retail sector buoyed by the largest outlet mall in California could bode a strong recovery. Some of the city’s struggles in retail real estate are turning into opportunities for tri-county businesses that couldn’t Read More →


Ojai Oil Co. goes from black gold to organic olives

By   /  Monday, November 15th, 2010  /  Features, Small Business, Top Stories  /  Comments Off on Ojai Oil Co. goes from black gold to organic olives

Ojai Oil Co.’s 110-year history is as rich as the black gold bubbling up into the Ojai Valley, but the fourth generation of the company is moving away from crude oil to find new fortunes in olive oil. Ojai Oil, headquartered in Camarillo, was started in 1900 by the late Charles Off and 25 original Read More →


Sweet success: Region’s candy firms expand

By   /  Monday, November 8th, 2010  /  Features, Small Business  /  Comments Off on Sweet success: Region’s candy firms expand

The shelves at Kingston’s Candy Co. are stacked with enough Pixy Stix, Gummi Bears, Abba Zabbas, Moon Pies, bubblegum, Smarties and chocolate bars to make Willy Wonka himself proud. “Nine months ago I was in the corporate world, and here I am having fun in candy land,” owner Sarah Jaimes says from behind a center Read More →


Camarillo chamber CEO to retire

By   /  Monday, October 18th, 2010  /  Latest news  /  Comments Off on Camarillo chamber CEO to retire

Camarillo Chamber of Commerce President Tom Kelley will step down in January after nearly a decade as head of one of the most dynamic chambers in Ventura County. In a statement from board chair Michael Lavenant, the chamber said Kelley will retire effective Jan. 3, 2011. His accomplishments included bringing Camarillo and its business community Read More →