Brown signs bill to streamline CEQA process
Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that aims to expedite and add more transparency to environmental reviews. Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara, authored Senate Bill 122 along with Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, which strives to streamline the California Environmental Quality Act process. CEQA requires state and local agencies to identify significant environmental impacts of Read More →
State’s housing prices too high for middle-income residents
A housing shortage is driving the middle class out of California. Several reports from Next 10 and Beacon Economics illustrated the state’s growing housing to jobs imbalance. Housing prices will continue to climb unless cities and counties increase residential densities and streamline the permitting process, according to the reports. More people are leaving the state Read More →
Letter to the editor: CEQA makes for better projects
CEQA isn’t perfect, but it provides a vehicle for community engagement and an opportunity to make projects better.
Editorial: Don’t let CEQA rule out renewable energy projects
California’s lovely landscapes make it unique, but we must also make way for renewable energy.