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Dubroff: Santa Barbara takes a regional view of innovation culture

By   /  Friday, March 18th, 2016  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: Santa Barbara takes a regional view of innovation culture

Henry Dubroff

In a sign that the current wave of tech entrepreneurship might just be sustainable,  cities across the Tri-Counties are beginning to embrace the startup culture. San Luis Obispo is thinking about housing a much bigger tech savvy workforce, working closely with Cal Poly and capitalizing on the success of MindBody. Ventura is looking beyond the Read More →


Dubroff: In era of unusual calamities, Feinberg has faith in system

By   /  Friday, March 11th, 2016  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: In era of unusual calamities, Feinberg has faith in system

Kenneth R. Feinberg has had an up-close-and-personal view of human tragedy. As the nation’s premier attorney for dealing with disasters, both natural and man-made, he has a remarkably practical approach to what should happen when things go wrong. So, when I had the chance to talk to him on March 8, I couldn’t resist asking Read More →


Dubroff: New initiatives as Pacific Coast Business Times enters 17th year

By   /  Friday, March 4th, 2016  /  Columns  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: New initiatives as Pacific Coast Business Times enters 17th year

Henry Dubroff

Look closely and you will notice something unusual about Page One this week. It is a rare Issue No. 53, as the Leap Year prompted us to add an extra edition. So, before we launch into our 17th year, here’s an update from the Pacific Coast Business Times: • We are embarking on new initiatives. Read More →


Dubroff: UCSB vice chancellor takes expertise to Berkeley lab

By   /  Friday, February 26th, 2016  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Dubroff: UCSB vice chancellor takes expertise to Berkeley lab

Henry Dubroff

When Mike Witherell moved back to UC Santa Barbara in 2005 to become vice chancellor for research, he left behind a job running Illinois-based Fermilab, one of the world’s leading places for research into high energy physics. Now, after helping to forge much closer ties between the university, corporate funders and spinoff companies, he’s moving Read More →


Obama’s Asian trade strategy could keep China in check

By   /  Friday, February 19th, 2016  /  Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Obama’s Asian trade strategy could keep China in check

Striding confidently across the tarmac at the Palm Springs International Airport on Feb. 16, President Barack Obama was leaving what has become his favorite winter getaway spot with a bit of swagger. He had just come from a press conference where he argued that he, not the GOP-controlled Senate, held the constitutional high ground in Read More →


Central banks losing ability to steer global economies

By   /  Friday, February 12th, 2016  /  Banking & Finance, Banking Industry, Columns, Latest news  /  Comments Off on Central banks losing ability to steer global economies

Upheaval in the global markets in recent months may be signaling that the era of the all-powerful central bank may be coming to an end. Evidence is mounting that central bank moves are having less and less of the desired impact on regional economies. For Exhibit A we turn to the People’s Bank of China, Read More →


Measure of business inventory could dictate future of interest rates

By   /  Friday, October 9th, 2015  /  Latest news  /  Comments Off on Measure of business inventory could dictate future of interest rates

NEW YORK —  An often-overlooked measure of business inventories may hold a powerful clue to the future direction of interest rates, an influential Federal Reserve official said Oct. 9. Dennis Lockhard, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, told a group of business journalists that his staff’s analysis of third quarter GDP has reported Read More →