Letter to the editor: Look past the day-to-day worries
Published September 23, 2011 Dear Editor: Henry Dubroff’s recent column, “Looking past the gloom for a way forward,” struck a chord. You nailed it with the discussion of the pervasive negative attitude we have confronted over the past three to four years. Needless to say, our little real estate investment firm has been similarly battered Read More →
Ventura County’s recovery, by the numbers
More than 3,000 private-sector jobs have been created in Ventura County over the last year, according to economists with the California Economic Forecast.
Editorial: The coming gray wave on California’s coast
20-somethings are coming to Ventura for tech jobs, but making them permanent residents, the kind who will actually stick around through their 30s and 40s, will be far more difficult.
Editorial: 11 compete for Ventura Council
It’s no longer sufficient to sit idly, then complain loudly when anti-business upstarts get in and put the brakes on the free enterprise system.
Looking past the gloom for a way forward
Swept aside in this summer from hell have been a few very promising developments.
Green and clean drives the region
The fuel for the region’s economy in the next decade might just be … fuel.
Area economists pin region’s CRE rebound on labor markets
Five area economists weigh in on the health of the region’s commercial real estate market.