MySpace, once the hippest place in the galaxy for teens to hang out online, could have been the Facebook for millennials, but then Murdoch’s News Corp. got its hands on the fast-growing social media pioneer and ran it nearly into oblivion.
Facebook is an excellent tool for small businesses looking to grow revenue through customer engagement. But it takes time, thought and a touch of discretion to succeed. That was the message that Matt Hicks, former marketing and public relations manager for Facebook, brought to an audience of about 150 in Santa Barbara on Nov. 7. Read More →
Like it or not, about four in five businesses Google their prospective hires and look at public Facebook profiles. Santa Barbara-based Social Intelligence Corp. wants to take that task off their hands. The reason is that unstructured online sleuthing can put an employer in a thorny position. One the one hand, businesses can be sued Read More →