Low gas prices great for consumers but not necessarily for the economy
At close to $33 per barrel, crude oil has dropped more than 60 percent since June 2014 — which is great for our economy because it significantly reduces the average price of gas and heating oil. Regular gasoline now averages $2 per gallon nationally. This translates to cheaper costs to transport goods and run your Read More →
Oxnard peaker plant should be approved
The California Public Utilities Commission held a relatively rare session in Oxnard on July 15 to weigh the pros and cons of replacing aging power stations at Mandalay Beach with a new peaker plant to be operated by NRG. This has been a contentious issue. The city of Oxnard doesn’t like it, the social justice Read More →
Op/ed: Don’t fall for the scary headlines about falling oil prices
If oil were to disappear completely from our economy, it would just about offset our estimated one percent increase in GDP benefit of lower oil prices.
Op/ed: Putting oil on the road to nowhere
Oil as a transportation fuel will be around for a few more decades. But oil as a hazardous monopoly fuel is now merely one of multiple options.