The Foley effect: Wine baron rolls out members-only club at Bacara
Foley launched the Food & Wine Society to take advantage of his diverse holdings in vineyards, wineries, vacation properties in Montana and his investment as a minority owner of Pacific Hospitality Group, which bought Bacara in February for an estimated $150 million to $180 million.
In with the old: Communities find new ways to fund redevelopment
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Goleta to sue state over missing RDA funds
The city of Goleta is taking on the big guys as it brings a lawsuit against the state, officials told community and business leaders at an event on May 30. Calling the lawsuit a “David vs. Goliath moment” at Goleta’s annual State of the City luncheon, Mayor Roger Aceves said the city will file papers Read More →
Editorial: To become tech magnet, region should think big
We’d encourage UCSB to think bigger when it comes to the longterm effects of the startups it spins out and embrace a broader role along the entire Highway 101 corridor.
Goleta Entrepreneurial Magnet hires executive director
A public-private initiative to lure more tech businesses to Goleta has hired its first executive director. The Goleta Entrepreneurial Magnet, or GEM, appointed Doug Lynch to lead the group, which is a collaboration between the city of Goleta, the Goleta Valley Chamber of Commerce and UC Santa Barbara designed to create and maintain a tech Read More →