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VCMC bond issue scores AA rating, will raise $305M

By   /  Friday, February 8th, 2013  /  Banking & Finance, Top Stories, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on VCMC bond issue scores AA rating, will raise $305M

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The debt busters: Bowles, Simpson to speak at UCSB

By   /  Friday, October 26th, 2012  /  Latest news, Tri-County Economy  /  Comments Off on The debt busters: Bowles, Simpson to speak at UCSB

When it comes to the future of the United States, whoever wins the presidency and takes control of Congress on Nov. 6 are far less important than what those winners choose to do about the nation’s long-term fiscal trajectory when they arrive in office. The nation’s debt load has reached $16 trillion, swollen by two unfunded Read More →


Editorial: New redevelopment efforts should learn from RDA era

By   /  Friday, September 21st, 2012  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: New redevelopment efforts should learn from RDA era

Getting housing right and at the right price is the key piece to the infrastructure puzzle.


Editorial: County should focus on fixing fiscal problems

By   /  Friday, June 22nd, 2012  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  1 Comment

Santa Barbara County’s irresponsible fiscal policies are the biggest impediment to growth across the region.


What is a crisis of confidence, and how do we get over it?

By   /  Friday, June 22nd, 2012  /  Columns, Opinion  /  Comments Off on What is a crisis of confidence, and how do we get over it?

David Newton, a professor at Westmont College, is the editor of a new book called “Crisis of Confidence.” It has a clever title. And, for the public-affairs junkie, it’s a good, quick read through the fiscal and public policy challenges facing the country. There is a thorough explanation of the “fiscal cliff” that we face Read More →


Editorial: Silliness in Sacramento continues

By   /  Friday, June 15th, 2012  /  Editorials, Opinion  /  Comments Off on Editorial: Silliness in Sacramento continues

In Sacramento, the annual budget follies continue. The Democrat-controlled Legislature and Gov. Jerry Brown can’t agree on a formula to come up with a plan for the new fiscal year. Opposition from small business groups and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association dramatically increases the odds that Brown’s plan for tax hikes to close a $16 Read More →


Feinstein: Federal and state gov’t needs to focus on tax policies

By   /  Wednesday, May 30th, 2012  /  Latest news, Tri-County Economy  /  1 Comment

For the United States to truly recover from the Great Recession, the federal government and its state counterparts need to be creative with tax reform and budget proposals to jumpstart the economy. That was the view of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who spoke at a luncheon hosted by the Santa Barbara Region Chamber of Read More →