[EDITOR’S NOTE: Kathleen Sebelius resigned on April 10, the New York Times and other national media outlets reported.] On a day when President Barack Obama signed an executive order mandating equal pay for women working for federal contractors, Fielding Graduate University hosted Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for a more down-to-earth discussion Read More →
Uncertainties shrouding Obamacare implementation are leaving many health-care providers strained, and consumers are thus far seeing few of the cost cuts promised by the overhaul. That was the theme that emerged from a March 18 forum in Santa Barbara hosted by nonprofit Visiting Nurse & Hospice Care.
By Editorial Board / Friday, February 21st, 2014 / Editorials, Opinion / Comments Off on Editorial: Partisan gridlock eases on Obamacare and immigration
Movement on immigration reform and fixing the Affordable Care Act are perhaps the political version of the “green shoots” that former Federal Reserve Chair Ben Bernanke talked about in the early stages of economic recovery.
Joseph DeSchryver steps into his new role as chief executive at Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center in San Luis Obispo amid seismic changes in the health care industry.
Blue Shield of California has entered into an agreement to acquire Bakersfield-based GemCare Health Plan, which operates as Physicians Choice Health Plan in the Tri-Counties, the company announced Tuesday.
By Henry Dubroff / Friday, January 3rd, 2014 / Columns, Opinion / Comments Off on Five tri-county economic trends we’ll be watching in the New Year
Conventional wisdom holds that with a federal budget in hand, a financial system on the mend, rising housing prices and steady job growth, 2014 ought to be a pretty darn good year.