By Henry Dubroff / Friday, July 12th, 2013 / Columns, Opinion / Comments Off on Questions surround insider trading probe around Amgen bid for Onyx
Less than a week after Onyx spurned Amgen’s takeover bid, the SEC went to court and froze some $4.3 million in accounts in the Canary Islands and Beirut.
By Editorial Board / Friday, August 17th, 2012 / Editorials, Opinion / Comments Off on Editorial: Following-up on Congressional insider trades
In late July, our news pages carried an article about a series of potentially favorable stock trades in shares of Thousand Oaks-based Amgen that may have benefited the wealthy wife of U.S. Sen. John Kerry. Disclosure of the trades, made in 2007 on behalf of a trust that benefits Teresa Heinz Kerry, would not have Read More →
By Julian Moore, Special to the Business Times, on July 27, 2012 In August, stock sales by members of Congress and thousands of federal employees will get new scrutiny under the STOCK Act, a law passed in April to combat insider trading among government officials. But a Business Times examination of the timing of the Read More →