Top 10 ‘wish list’ for leadership
Many Americans would agree that our nation is more divided than ever and could use a new crop of leaders. Here’s my New Year “wish list” for better leadership and a new focus in areas ranging from politics to sports to business to universities to the military. 1. A cessation of inflammatory, hurtful and incendiary Read More →
Op/ed: Cultivating leadership through the arts
We need to look to new places to develop our nation’s leaders in government and business.
Op/ed: The leadership of Pope Francis
By R. Scott Turicchi Much has been made about the style of Pope Francis — specifically that he doesn’t act like a pope. So, what in fact is leadership? In his book, “An Integrative Theory of Leadership,” Martin Chemers defines leadership as “a process of social influence in which one person is able to enlist Read More →
Op/ed: Putting the leadership into thought leadership
It’s becoming an increasingly important aspect of a company’s marketing strategy, but in my experience, many executives are uncomfortable about the idea of being thought leaders.
Op/ed: Leadership by fiat seldom works
Effective executives don’t put obstacles in front of people; they help remove them
Deckers CEO: Company culture is what counts
In a globalized world, vision and culture are the keys to creating and marketing successful new products. That’s the message Deckers Outdoor Corp. CEO Angel Martinez brought to about 250 Central Coast business leaders at the Feb. 2 Corporate Leaders Breakfast at California Lutheran University. “Our mission is to find niche brands and turn them Read More →